Source code for mdit_py_plugins.anchors.index

import re
from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Set

from markdown_it import MarkdownIt
from markdown_it.rules_core import StateCore
from markdown_it.token import Token

[docs]def anchors_plugin( md: MarkdownIt, min_level: int = 1, max_level: int = 2, slug_func: Optional[Callable[[str], str]] = None, permalink: bool = False, permalinkSymbol: str = "¶", permalinkBefore: bool = False, permalinkSpace: bool = True, ): """Plugin for adding header anchors, based on `markdown-it-anchor <>`__ .. code-block:: md # Title String renders as: .. code-block:: html <h1 id="title-string">Title String <a class="header-anchor" href="#title-string">¶</a></h1> :param min_level: minimum header level to apply anchors :param max_level: maximum header level to apply anchors :param slug_func: function to convert title text to id slug. :param permalink: Add a permalink next to the title :param permalinkSymbol: the symbol to show :param permalinkBefore: Add the permalink before the title, otherwise after :param permalinkSpace: Add a space between the permalink and the title Note, the default slug function aims to mimic the GitHub Markdown format, see: - - """ selected_levels = list(range(min_level, max_level + 1)) md.core.ruler.push( "anchor", _make_anchors_func( selected_levels, slug_func or slugify, permalink, permalinkSymbol, permalinkBefore, permalinkSpace, ), )
def _make_anchors_func( selected_levels: List[int], slug_func: Callable[[str], str], permalink: bool, permalinkSymbol: str, permalinkBefore: bool, permalinkSpace: bool, ): slugs: Set[str] = set() def _anchor_func(state: StateCore): for (idx, token) in enumerate(state.tokens): if token.type != "heading_open": continue level = int(token.tag[1]) if level not in selected_levels: continue inline_token = state.tokens[idx + 1] assert inline_token.children is not None title = "".join( child.content for child in inline_token.children if child.type in ["text", "code_inline"] ) slug = unique_slug(slug_func(title), slugs) token.attrSet("id", slug) if permalink: link_open = Token( "link_open", "a", 1, ) link_open.attrSet("class", "header-anchor") link_open.attrSet("href", f"#{slug}") link_tokens = [ link_open, Token("html_block", "", 0, content=permalinkSymbol), Token("link_close", "a", -1), ] if permalinkBefore: inline_token.children = ( link_tokens + ( [Token("text", "", 0, content=" ")] if permalinkSpace else [] ) + inline_token.children ) else: inline_token.children.extend( ([Token("text", "", 0, content=" ")] if permalinkSpace else []) + link_tokens ) return _anchor_func def slugify(title: str): return re.sub(r"[^\w\u4e00-\u9fff\- ]", "", title.strip().lower().replace(" ", "-")) def unique_slug(slug: str, slugs: set): uniq = slug i = 1 while uniq in slugs: uniq = f"{slug}-{i}" i += 1 slugs.add(uniq) return uniq